It seems that over that past few years, golden plants have come into a category of their own. I feel like all the most popular genus of plants have golden foliaged plants in their category. Golden foliaged plants are golden on purpose. I had a customer come into the greenhouse one day and spotted a golden Boston Fern. They explained to me that it needed some fertilizer. After I told them it was supposed to be that way, they didn't seem to agree that it was beautiful. Not every gardener will love golden plants, but I do! So I wanted to mention a few of those golden plants that have really became a standout and deserve a place in your home garden.
The first one is 'The Rising Sun' Cercis canadensis. This is one of many golden foliaged redbuds. A few years ago a nurserman spotted a golden redbud in some seedstock and named it 'Hearts of Gold'. Since that time a few others have been introduced. 'The Rising Sun' is noteworthy because it is golden, but the leaves on the upper stems have an orange ting which adds to its flare. This plant still blooms like the normal redbud blooms, with purple small blooms in early Spring.
The next plant is a fantastic golden vine called 'Fiona Sunrise' Jasmine. It still blooms in the Spring like a normal jasmine would, but its foliage is a beautiful golden color. This plant needs a little help in training it to grow up something, but when it gets started, just stand back! I have seen this plant grown in full sun without any burn, which is not that common with golden foliaged plants. I love this plant every season of the year. When the plant is growing the golden foliage jumps out and screams 'Look at me!" In the wintertime, the bare yellow stems still draw your eyes to them. Everything is yellow about this plant, except for the flowers!
The last golden plant that deserves a place in your garden is 'Florida Sunshine' Illicium. The common name of this plant is Anise Tree and there are older cultivars that have been around for years! This golden form was found by Tony Avent over 10 years ago. The grew and trialed the plant and found it noteworthy of introduction. This golden plant needs to be grown in a little shade due to its foliaged being burned. I have never seen any foliage problems or other disorders on this tough shrub. The leaves usually look perfect without any spots. The tallest I have seen this shrub is around 6' tall, but I think it will grow larger when it gets older.