I love unique plants that could play a part in just about any landscape. This plant is called 'Slender Silhouette' sweet gum - Liquidamber styraciflua. Resembling a telephone pole, this plant grows straight up into a great focal point in the garden. It is easily adaptable into many smaller gardens because of its lack of width, growing around 5 feet wide. The original plant was found by Don Shadow of Shadow Nursery in Winchester, TN. As the story goes, Don found the plant and was able to take a few cuttings of the plant back to his nursery to start grafting. After a short time, Don returned to the original site of the tree and found that someone had cut the tree down to put in the lake for a fish habitat. Luckily by this time, he had already started a few at his nursery to grow on and evaluate.
This picture was taken at Shadow Nursery and is one of the first trees Don grafted of this wonderful variety. This variety has been around for quite a few years, but it is slowly making its way into the public eye. If you're looking for something that doesn't require a lot of room in the garden, 'Slender Silhouette' may be the right pick.